Why Financial Reform will Fail…
“Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing… after they have exhausted all other possibilities.”There is no doubt that financial reform is needed – badly. But any financial reform, meaningful or otherwise, is destined to fail by itself because it is NOT the root of our financial problems.
-Winston Churchill
In fact, the math of our economy is so far gone at this point that meaningful financial reform will probably do more harm than good. This is because all our money is debt and our system requires never ending growth or failures will occur. Tighten the reigns now on financial growth, debt contracts, our money contracts, and recession sets back in making the long term math even worse. It’s an impossible math situation rooted not in the financial system, but in our monetary system.
It is because of our monetary system that we are damned if we do, and we are damned if we don’t.
All money is debt. Without debt there would be no money. It’s an insane system, quite literally nuts, for it ignores the reality of math. If I stood in front of you holding 4 rocks in my hands and insisted that I held 6, you would call me nuts, wouldn’t you? Thus the term, “economic mass psychosis” is completely apropos.
Below is a chart showing the diminishing productivity of debt over time. Financial reform will not change this chart:

Ask yourself this… what will financial reform accomplish in regards to our national debt, to the bad math of Social Security or to Medicare? Nothing, that’s what. And constricting or confining the financial industry will not help the short run, nor will it help the long run UNLESS it is accomplished in conjunction with monetary reform and political reform that works to separate special interest money from politics. Short of that there is nothing but problems facing our future.
Would financial reform help Greece out of their debt problem? No? Why would anyone think it would help us out of ours? Your attention is being diverted AGAIN, they are attempting to take your eye off the ball. The ball is DEBT and the way in which private banks control the production of money - because they control the money, they control us.
The single most important reform is producing our own sovereign money. That is money that is spent into being without obligating the people of America to pay interest on their own money system to private banks – a ridiculous notion under which we have all lived our entire lives. The expense of such folly is now growing exponentially and will continue to be an anchor around our futures until we set our monetary and political systems straight - we must return control of money production to Congress where it belongs.
To see and understand a system that can work, please visit SwarmUSA.com and read up on the provisions of Freedom’s Vision. Yes, financial reform is needed, but to be successful it MUST be accomplished along with monetary reform or the long term problems will remain.
Velvet Revolver - The Last Fight (Libertad):
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